Digital Art Bootcamp

Learning from Ross Tran The current art style of Ross Tran is a mixture of concept art, anime, and his own flair. During this Bootcamp of 9 months, he taught the most important things he learned at the art academy. Before I entered, I only did digital art with Photoshop for around a year, and …

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VR with KCS

For this project, me and Koen Vogel did almost all the work of realizing the robot line with Virtual Reality. If you click the button below, you will be redirected to a website with much more information about the project. For this project, we were invited to visit KCS at Schiphol and give a presentation …

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Tommy’s journey

A seed’s journey For the course ‘Designing Interactive Experiences’ we made an installation that teaches children in a playful way about the life cycle of a tomato seed, and what happens before it is eventually in a supermarket. This project also focuses on the sustainable and healthy side of specific vegetables. One of the main …

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Designing my own banner For this website, for an early version I made my own banner and icons. The banner and icons were made with Adobe Illustrator.

Bachelor Thesis

Sensory Interactive Table For my bachelor thesis, I worked on a virtual version of the Sensory Interactive Table (SIT) made by researchers at the University of Twente. In this version, I designed an interactive game for children to help them understand how to eat healthier. Eventually, my bachelor thesis was graded with a 7.5 out …

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Logo Huize ‘t Honk

Honk! I made a variety of logos for a student house. They were quite happy with the outcomes. In the picture above you can see the different logos I made. The student house has their hous name based on the game ‘Untitled Goose Game’. They wanted to have use that specific goose for their logo, …

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On the right, you can also see some of the buttons and headers that I made for the application. On the right, you can also see some of the buttons and headers that I made for the application. For the application I also made an instruction video for users and parental supervisors, to help them …

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